This high speed drag chain cable is particularly suitable for continuous high-flexibility, drag chain bending applications in mechanical equipment and machine tools. The high-flexibility cable uses specially modified insulation and sheath materials, providing high wear resistance and resistance to media. It can withstand long-term acceleration, deceleration, stretching, compression stress, and over 10 million times reliability tests for drag chain.

High Speed Drag Chain Cable (10 million times reliability tests for drag chain)

105 Degree Ultra High Flex UL2517 PVC Cable Multicore Cable with Shielding Drag Chain

High Speed Drag Chain Cable (10 million times reliability tests for drag chain)

300V UL2517 Robot Flexible Oil Resistant Multicore Flexible Cable

High Speed Drag Chain Cable (10 million times reliability tests for drag chain)

L-YY1007 Ultra High Flexible Drag Chain Power TRVV Towline Cable With UL

High Speed Drag Chain Cable (10 million times reliability tests for drag chain)

UL2517 4x20AWG Ultra Flexible Cable Power Customized Flex Cables

High Speed Drag Chain Cable (10 million times reliability tests for drag chain)

YP1001 Ultra High Flexible Oil Resistant PUR Sheath Towline Cable Black Core

High Speed Drag Chain Cable (10 million times reliability tests for drag chain)

YP1001 Ultra High Flexible Pur TRVV Towline Cable Bending Resistance

High Speed Drag Chain Cable (10 million times reliability tests for drag chain)

YP1002 Ultra High Pur UV Resistant Outdoor Flexible Cable With Shield

High Speed Drag Chain Cable (10 million times reliability tests for drag chain)

YP1006 Ultra High Flexible Pur Drag Chain Twisted Pair Cable

High Speed Drag Chain Cable (10 million times reliability tests for drag chain)

YP1007 Pur Drag Chain Continuous Flex Power Cable

High Speed Drag Chain Cable (10 million times reliability tests for drag chain)

YP1008 Ultra High Flexible TPU Drag Chain Power UV-resistant Lapp Screen Cable

High Speed Drag Chain Cable (10 million times reliability tests for drag chain)

YY1001 Robot Towline PVC Drag Chain Cable