Drag Chain Cable, also known as mobile cable and motion cable, is named for placing the cable in the drag chain. The drag chain can protect the cable, and the cable can move back and forth with the drag chain. It is a highly flexible cable that can move back and forth with the drag chain without being easily worn.
Drag chain cables have advantages such as bending performance, mobile flexibility, wear resistance, oil resistance, and tensile strength. They are usually used for automated moving equipment, such as automated enterprise assembly line workshops, welding robot arms, and marine detection instruments.
Special drag chain cables have advantages such as cold resistance, oil resistance, seawater resistance, chemical resistance, low temperature resistance, and compression resistance. They are mainly used in harsh outdoor environments and places that have strict requirements for cables, such as automated systems and instruments for ship operations, shallow water robots, chemical industry automated equipment, and specialized flexible drag chain cables for metallurgical automation enterprises.
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