Ultra -high -speed motion tight -type control drag chain cables are suitable for mechanical equipment and machine tools,
high loads, and high -flexible high -speed drag chain bend applications. This ultra -high flexible cable uses special modified
insulation materials and external quilt materials, as well as special structures, has high abrasion resistance and medium
resistance, can withstand long -term acceleration, deceleration, stretching and compression stress, and 10 million times,
and 20 million times The above periodic bending and maintaining high stability.
Control Drag Chain Cables Feature
Technical Parameter Of Control Drag Chain Cables
Comply with EU RoHS and Reach regulations
تعتمد سلكًا نحاسيًا مجدولًا من النحاس عالي الجودة
مادة العزل
غمد PVC خاص بمرونة عالية
نطاق درجة حرارة:
Mobile installation -5 °C to +70°c Fixed installation -15 °C to +80°c
مقاومة العزل:
Minimum 20 MOhm x km
الغلاف الخارجي
تعديل رفيقة PVC
الحد الأدنى لنصف قطر الانحناء:
Mobile installation 7.5×cable diameter Fixed installation 6×cable diameter
الجهد الاسمي
يو / يو 300/300 فولت
اختبار الجهد
1500 فولت
It is especially suitable for continuous ultra-high flexibility and high-speed towline bending applications of mechanical equipment and machine tools. The ultra-high flexible cable uses specially modified insulating materials and outer covering
materials, which have high abrasion resistance and medium resistance, and can withstand long-term acceleration, deceleration, tensile and compressive stress, and more than ten million cycles of periodic bending , And always maintain high stability. |
Control Drag Chain Cables Structure
1. Bare copper conductor, ultra-fine copper wire Comply with DIN VDE0295 category 6 and IEC 60228 category 6
2. Special PVC insulation
3. Black core wire, with continuous white digital code, yellow-green ground wire on the outer layer (3 cores and above)
4. The wire core is stranded in layers with the best pitch
5. Special PVC outer sheath 6. Gray (RAL 7001) matte